5 Things To Add To Your Daily To-Do List To Beat The Winter Gloomies


It is the start of yet another week and while I am still grappling with the idea of the year already coming to an end – I am also looking forward to winters setting in. While I love the cold and the amazing winter fashion choices – the setting in of winters also brings with it seasonal depression. While I am not clinically qualified to diagnose depression but I do see some signs in myself such as fatigue, laziness and a want to do nothing. The grey of wintery mornings seem to cast a greyness to my mood as well. I’ve also noticed similar signs in my friends and family too. So I’ve come up with some things that I’ll try to do on a daily basis to help deal with gloominess outside and inside.

Photo by Alex Kozlov on Pexels.com
  1. Compliment one person – It can be a stranger or someone you know but every single day compliment atleast one person. It could be your partner or parent or sibling or friend or a cab driver or a delivery person or a random well dressed stranger – just spread some love with an offhanded compliment. It would make you and them feel so happy for the rest of the day.
  2. Spend the first few minutes after waking up thinking of what I am most looking forward to doing in the day – It is getting harder to leave the cozy warmth of my blanket in the morning (I spent 1 hour today morning convincing myself to leave my bed). So to help me look forward to the day, I will try to wake up and think of the thing I am most looking forward to doing in the day to get me excited to leave my bed. If there isn’t anything big planned in the day, I am going to focus on having my favourite coffee or wearing a cute outfit or eating a fun meal or packing orders.
  3. Planning my meals ahead of time – I am a huge foodie but get lazy on a daily basis to decide what I want to cook, so I’m going to plan my meals a day ahead to make sure I don’t get lazy and stick to eating home cooked, healthy food. Eating nutritious food helps so much in improving my mood and morale.
  4. Working out every day – I’ve had a tough time sticking to my healthy ways this year but I’ve finally gotten back to the gym and my goal is to work out every day even if only for 30-40 mins. Working out is not only great for my physical health it also gets me out of any mental funk that I am in.
  5. Expressing gratitude at the end of the day – It’s been a crazy past 2 years and I want to spend these last 2 months of 2021 being grateful for having survived and finding something that I am passionate about to do. So I am going to spend a few minutes every night just being grateful for everything that worked and everything that didn’t work that ultimately got me here to this point of time.

If you are feeling the winter gloomies too, I hope you’ll join me in adding some of these simple tasks to your daily to-do list to help beat that gloominess. How is November treating you?

PS: We’ve started a small Telegram group for our blogger friends to connect, discuss our blogs, find collaborators etc. If you’re interested in joining drop me a mail at mokshasustainble@gmail.com ! 🙂

Check out my other latest posts –

19 Comments Add yours

  1. SamSahana says:

    Such a practical, sensible list. I think complimenting someone can make your day as much as it makes it for the one on the receiving end of it- Just from their smile and happiness. 😀 I’m glad happiness is as contagious as it is. But complimenting people irl can be very.. hard (initially). But the after effect is just great 😀
    I will never understand how you manage to pull yourself out of bed in North India’s climate 🥱😴 Kudos to you for accomplishing that every day! It’s far from easy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      I KNOWWW! It is so hard to start complimenting people but I love the shock and joy that you see on their faces after.
      Tell me about it. I was going to the gym in the morning but boy is it getting harder. :/

      Liked by 2 people

  2. ThingsHelenLoves says:

    A lovely and very do-able list. I’m so in agreement with No. 5, after the past few years I think we all realised how much we have to be grateful for. We shouldn’t forget it. I’m a list maker, making a plan the night before of what needs to happen the next day helps me work out my time more effectively. Especially in the Winter when cosying up and doing very little is an attractive option!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Truly – whenever I start to get upset about something not working out – I remind myself how grateful I am for surviving through the past 2 years – and focus on what is next.

      I love making lists too but with my laziness in full mode I am avoiding making a to-do. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely post, and I totally relate to #2!!! November has been pretty good so far although last week’s new moon totally made me gloomy to the max, omg. For a full week and a half I just felt sad and anxious and didn’t really sleep well. I’m coming out of it now and had a really nice “fall” weekend, so November is looking much better now! Xoxox

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Yayay! I’m glad November is looking better!! Last 2 months of the year – here’s hoping they go amazing for the both of us. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes they will! 🙏🙏🌺🌺

        Liked by 1 person

  4. https://tamarakulish.com/ says:

    I love number 5, it feels so relatable! I’d also like to suggest spending a few minutes each day doing something which brings joy or relaxation, apart from zoning out with the TV!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Yessss! I really want to get back to reading! I will try to read atleast 4-5 pages every day starting today. Thank you for the suggestion. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. https://tamarakulish.com/ says:


        Liked by 1 person

  5. petespringerauthor says:

    I like your list because they are all doable and are all things that put a person in a better frame of mind. I’m a big fan of #1 because it feels great to brighten up someone’s day and see their smile of appreciation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Me too! Though I find it awkward to randomly compliment someone in real life (other than family and friends) but I’m going to try and do better. 🙂


  6. Such a great list. I need to work on getting out of bed when my alarm goes off and working out. I hate to admit my laziness! Thanks for the great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      I have been getting up and going to the gym these past few weeks but with mornings getting chillier – it is getting so much harder to leave the warmth of my bed. But I am hoping to stick to my work outs and hope you do too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a great list! It’s smart to make a plan because the cold, dark weather sneaks up fast!


  8. winteroseca says:

    After how October left me wiped out, I am using November to rest and recover, while also doing my caregiving duties. I want to get back to working out soon though

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ib Adepoju says:

    I have a friend who also goes through the winter gloomies. I’ll definitely send this to her!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Juliette says:

    Amazing ideas! I always get the “winter gloomies” around november and feel very unmotivated to do things, especially to leave my warm and cosy bed in the morning! I will for sure try those tricks to feel more energised and motivated! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. bosssybabe says:

    This is a great list! Gratitude always helps me focus and be positive, and to not sweat the small stuff. I need that now more than ever (everyone seems to).

    I’d also add doing one thing every day that brings you some form of joy (reading, writing, chatting with friends, seeing family, doing art, etc). ❤️


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