Contentment Conundrum

While away on a short trip, I kept thinking about “contentment”. Humans are constantly running and chasing after something throughout their life. It could be money, a better title, a bigger home, more travel, a life partner, etc. How does one reach a stage of being happy with what they have?

Would you be content if you didn’t know what more was out there? I hear from my folks about how people in the pre-internet era were more content and the only reason for that was that they didn’t have access to the information about what else was out there.

But would you be content if you were away from everyone, in a beautiful nature-filled, picturesque place and you were self-sufficient? (With no information getting to you from the outside world)

How do you think humans can be more content? Are you content with where you are and what you have?

If you haven’t already, give my other recent posts a read –

12 Comments Add yours

  1. mylittlehawk says:

    The anxiety of wanting to know more is very real. I think we often imagine cottages in the forest, next to the lake or by the sea, no technology, just peace and quiet, but realistically, I know I couldn’t live like that. Five days vacation? Maybe. But I was born in an era of the Internet, the technology, the challenges, the possibilities and the way of living of today. So, honestly, I am the most content here and now, because I belong in this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ella says:

    That’s actually something I have though about a lot. I think you can be content with what you have and seek more opportunities. The problem with always wanting more without being content is that you will never be fulfilled. I think that’s why theres this cliche of being grateful of what you have no matter what; it doesn’t stop you for moving forward but allows you to be less stressed and happier during the journey.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Storyteller says:

    I think for me there was a stage in my life for pushing the envelope to get as far as I could academically. Then I think you eventually you sit back and take stock. I believe you should cram as many experiences into your life so that when you are old you can reflect and enjoy those memories.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is a tricky question! People tend to never be content with what they have and we’re always chasing for more…I think we should stop always chasing for more and also don’t forget to appreciate what we have!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tamara Kulish from says:

    Our very consumeristic society fueled and combined with advertising agencies’ very successful campaigns over the past decades has infused us with this unspoken feeling that we always need to seek more, to increase our value and wealth, to get the newest things, to seek out bigger and better in our lives, has pushed us all into anxiety and FOMO. To consciously step against the flow is itself an act of radicalism! To reach true contentment, we need to take a look at these issues within ourselves, and to choose to practice gratitude, instead of focusing on praying and asking for more!


  6. Ib says:

    I don’t think we can ever be fully contented. There’s that saying that we can’t “have it all”. This evening, I was watching a reality show where these 5 friends went on a trip together. They’re all really successful artists and actors btw. They were talking about the trip and one of them said “I think this trip would’ve been better if we were penniless” so they agreed that on their next trip, they won’t take as much money with them. But then there are ordinary people out there who would say, “I think our trip would be better if we had more than enough money”, they’ll yearn to go on trips where they can buy whatever they want and spend however they like. So we really can never be satisfied.
    I just hope that in whatever circumstance we find ourselves, at any moment, we can just try to cherish it and live


  7. Juliette says:

    This is such an interesting topic. I think contentment is quite hard to reach because by nature most of us just “want more”. I also feel like it can be obviously harder to reach contentment if you are constantly surround by images of other lives like on social media (even though this also has some benefits), and I think I could reach contentment if I were living alone in a beautiful house that I love doing my little life, but maybe not… In the end, maybe it all comes down to being grateful for what you have!


  8. petespringerauthor says:

    Interesting that you are bringing up a topic that I have thought a lot about. I think in many areas of life, the feeling of contentment is what we strive for. When I eat a meal, read a book, watch a play, or go to the movies, I want to feel content at the end of that time. I want to feel that was well worth my time.

    On the other hand, when it comes to relationships, content doesn’t cut it. Feeling contentment in a relationship feels like settling, and that’s not good enough for me. My wife and I have been married for 36 years. Marriages/relationships can be work, but I think we’re still solid because we both had high standards and didn’t settle for something less.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great questions posed Rue! 💖💖


  10. Pooja G says:

    I don’t know if it’s possible to be completely content with our life. As humans, we always want more and always feel like the grass is greener on the other side. Personally, if I lived alone in nature (with a few pets) I would be as content as I possibly can be 😊


  11. bosssybabe says:

    I truly believe to be content is to be happy with where you’re at and what you already have. You can always wish for more, nothing wrong with aiming for more but the key is to be content. I guess in this context, content means being present, being grateful for what you already have. Nothing, to me, is more wasteful in life than when someone does not appreciate what they already have (while many others are wishing for exactly what they have). The idea of always chasing happiness, by default, means that you will never actually be present in happiness.


  12. LaShelle says:

    This is a pretty easy question to answer for me. There’s no internet on my farm. I live in a stunning community surrounded by mountains, while we’re not 100% self sufficient we’re well on our to meeting that goal. Yet there are times when I think to myself… We could use more pasture space. We could use another bathroom in our house, I’d love to have a bigger porch and an outdoor shower and a greenhouse and a pond…. The list goes on. It’s human nature to forever be looking ahead but it’s a good reminder to take stock of what you have too. Having goals is wonderful but never being happy or satisfied… That’s a different thing entirely. If all the people on earth stopped existing I’d still love my little farm. I’d still have goals but I’d also still wake up every morning feeling thankful for all that I have. To have moved out of the city and to be living the life I always wanted. So I think it comes down to balance and finding fulfillment.


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