5| Cooking | Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies (Eggless)

I didn’t think I’d be doing a recipe blog so soon but I just had to spread the word on these cookies. I baked these as a trial on Saturday and ended up baking 2 more batches on Sunday to distribute to my family. These cookies are DA BOMB! Have you watched the show “How…

3| Cooking| Whole Wheat Eggless Chocolate Cookies Recipe

I’m always on the lookout for healthy dessert recipes. I have a crazy sweet tooth but I try to eat healthy most days. So a good healthy dessert recipe makes me really happy. Since my diet doesn’t include cookies, they’re like dessert for me. I’m a vegetarian and finding a good eggless cookie recipe is…

1| Cooking | Healthy & Easy Dessert Recipes

Hi All, Since most of us around the globe are locked down at home, I’m sure we’ll be piling on weight thanks to all the bored binge eating. So I decided to share a few of my favourite and really easy yet healthy dessert recipes for all those people with a sugar tooth but who…