5 More Quirks Of Mine

Hello All,

How are you doing this lovely Monday (no, I’m not high :D)? As you all might know by now – I am a very quirky person. While most people try to be normal and fit in with their peers – I have come to slowly enjoy my quirks and own my unique craziness. I did a post way back in March on 5 quirks of mine and so many of you shared your own quirks which made the post so much more fun. So here are 5 more quirks of mine –

  1. Phobia of using public washrooms. I am terrified of using public washrooms because in my head they are a breeding ground for countless diseases. I control having to go (which is a terrible habit) till I can use a private washroom. If you have been following me for a while, you know how much I love travelling and used to travel. This phobia has put me in such tough situations while travelling.
  2. In line with no.1, I feel most comfortable using my own bathroom at home. So even if I stay over at someone’s place at night, I wake up super early (even before the host has woken up) and head home to use my own bathroom. My friends find it so so so odd but I’d just like the comfort of my own bathroom. I also don’t like sharing my bathroom with anyone (I am a total weirdo).
  3. I like my mess. I am a messy person in general – though I like to keep my room and other spaces neat and clean, I like to have one place in my room for my mess. I hate when someone tries to sort out that mess or comments on it – it is just comforting to have one area for my mess. Wow, while typing this I was reminded of Monica’s messy secret cupboard – so relatable.
  4. I re-watch old shows more than I watch new shows. I think this has to do with my anxiety problem. Re-watching old favourite shows makes me feel so warm and just comfortable. So if I spend 16 hours in a week watching content – I probably spend 14 hours re-watching an old show (Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn 99, The Office, etc.) and 2 hours trying to find something new to watch (I recently watched ‘Kevin Can F**K Himself’. Have you seen it?).
  5. I don’t like watching movies. It just seems like too much of a commitment to sit down and watch a 2 hour long movie. I also like how the story keeps going in the shows but hate that it abruptly ends in movies. The only movies that tempt me are animated ones and horror paranormal movies (haha – that contrast). I haven’t watched any popular mainstream movie in the last 3-4 years.

I have so many quirks – I can literally do 10 more posts on this topic. Since this is a fun, chill post, I am nominating some of my blogging friends to do a post revealing their quirks. (There is no pressure to do it.) Nominating-

Sam from Diary of a Dreamer

Shweta from My Random Ramblings


Lebogang from Exhortions With Shazzy

Libby from The Goddess Attainable

Megan from Megan’s Corner

Divi from The Name is Divi

Poorwa from Poorwa’s Blog

What are your quirks? Am I the only weirdo out here? 😀

Check out my other recent posts –

39 Comments Add yours

  1. SamSahana says:

    Yay! Thanks a lot for nominating me! I’m so so happy to do it. Thanks a lot 😀 When I read point no 3, I literally knew we were soul sisters 😂 I love my mess too. Very dearly so that I can’t do without it. I could strongly relate to 1 and 2 too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Hahah I am surprised that so many people can relate to 1 & 2. I literally thought that people will think I am nuts. 😀
      Yayay – soul sisters! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha 😂 I love this post! I can relate to actually all of them! Especially using other bathrooms and watching familiar shows and movies 😂 And thanks for nominating me! I’ll have to reflect on this and will try to work up a post this week, yay! xo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      hahah – I am glad you relate! I literally thought I am an odd one out. 😀
      Yayay! Looking forward to reading your post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Megan says:

    College ruined me going to the bathroom in public haha, it’s the weirdest thing and I can definitely relate to you. I am always rewatching shows, especially ones that give me comfort.

    Thanks for the nomination!! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      I’ve always had a phobia of public washrooms. Thankfully in my hostel we had attached personal bathrooms – otherwise I would have quit school. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this! Quirky, peculiar weirdo misfit are my middle names. Refused to use public restrooms beginning at 2 years old. The best part of midlife for me, at 61, is finally NGAF if I fit in or not😌 #quirkybadass💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Yayay! I love that!!! #QuirkyBadassAndProud 😀 😀


  5. Silver Stone says:

    Lol, this post was hilarious. Definitely could relate to some of it 😂
    You’re definitely not the only one with a phobia for public washrooms: I know that they stress me out on another level, especially if they’re mall based 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      Phewww. I’ve always felt weird because my family and friends are so chill with using public washrooms and I am so ick-ed out by them. Even being comfortable going at a friend’s house takes some effort. But so glad people relate with my struggles and quirks. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hahaha 😝 I completely understand the phobia of using public washrooms even if some are cleaner than many restaurants 😆

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wonani says:

    Number 2! 😂 I have one slightly similar to that. I cannot go for “number 2” in a bathroom that’s not mine.
    It’s such an unhealthy thing but my body just can’t. I’ve gone for weekends at my friends houses and even 5 day trips and the whole time I won’t go to the bathroom just because my body can’t. 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Panda says:

      I have that issue too! 😀 😀 I just feel so so so uncomfortable going in someone else’s washroom. I’m glad I am not the only one with these issues.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Divi says:

    Haha, you aren’t the only one who hates using public washrooms- but I happen to have a different reason for not using public washrooms, I’m afraid I might bump into some really unusual and terrifying situations. People don’t really lock themselves sometimes.
    And the rewatching old shows, RELATABLE! Sometimes I don’t get too many seasons or episodes of my favorite show, it’s hard to let it go. Then I have my mother who pops and goes- “WHY YOU WATCHING THE SAME SHOW FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME?”
    This was so fun to read! And I’d love to do a similar post like this, thanks for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      TRUE THAT! Once at the airport I went to wash my hands and this woman had left the door open and was peeing on the floor of the washroom instead of the pot because she didn’t know how to use it. I RANNNNN!

      My mum asks me the same thing every time she hears the FRIENDS title song.

      Looking forward to reading about your quirks.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. winteroseca says:

    I can relate to you on 1, 3 and 4. Public washrooms are petri dishes! I like my own mess too. I haven’t seen Kevin Can F- Himself yet, but I LOVE Schitt’s Creek!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pooja G says:

      Schitt’s Creek is the best!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. winteroseca says:

        It really is!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Happy Panda says:

      Schitt’s Creek is what made me watch ‘Kevin can go F– Himself’. I love Schitt’s Creek especially the later episodes.


      1. winteroseca says:

        Me too!


  10. Nehal Jain says:

    I could relate to almost every single one of these 🤣. I used to loveeeeeeeeee watching movies but not anymore. And PUBLIC WASHROOMS UGHHHH!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      SAMEE. I used to love movies, now I DNF them if I ever convince myself to watch one.
      PUBLIC WASHROOMS – *shudders*

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Lokesh Sastya says:

    In the contrast, I love watching movies for as long as 2 to 2½ hours.

    But I can’t watch the same movie for more than 10 minutes. Secrets are revealed (already).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Panda says:

      I feel like I can’t get closure with a movie – like I need more information – which I get in shows.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lokesh Sastya says:

        Which types of shows?


  12. Can relate so much to your point about movies, seems like such a waste of a few hours for something you might not even like but then we spend hours binge watching tv – makes so much sense? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  13. petespringerauthor says:

    I look at someone’s quirks as not what makes someone weird but what makes them interesting. I think it’s all in the interpretation of the word itself. While I can be spontaneous, I know that I am a creature of habit. The absolute first thing I do every morning (working or not) is to take a shower. It makes me feel better about myself when I start the morning clean. That’s not particularly quirky, but that’s where my mind first went.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Haha, your quirks are really relatable. I too have a strong aversion to public bathrooms and I find it extremely trying to sit through a whole movie without feeling like a complete couch potato!


  15. Pooja G says:

    I so relate to all of these except I love movies. I hate using bathrooms anywhere except home but travelling has forced me out of my comfort zone with that. I also rewatch stuff all the time- I literally know most of the lines from The Office!


  16. akshita1776 says:

    Public washrooms are a disgrace to humanity


  17. Rayna says:

    argh, I relate haaaard to the first, fourth, and fifth ones. 🤦‍♀️


  18. bosssybabe says:

    Rewatching old shows more than new shows is so relatable lol I totally do this all the time and it gets on my husband’s nerves lol he doesn’t understand why I’d waste time Rewatching a show lol

    Thanks for the mention! 🙂 I just answered this question on my blog 🙂


  19. thefiftyedit says:

    LOL at #2. I’m sorry, but I’m taking every minute of sleep that I possibly can. I am not getting up early to use a washroom somewhere else. Ha ha!

    I agree with watching old shows. I’ve reached my limit of media/news these days, so I’m actually watching re-runs of Three’s Company during the dinner hour.


  20. Juliette says:

    Ahahah omg I can 100% relate with the “rewatching” of old shows instead of watching new ones! I don’t know why, but as you said it just feels so much more comfortable! And I know that I will like them because I have already watched them! I wish I would enjoy watching new shows more though, because there are so many out there that sound amazing 😂 You should definitely do more posts like this, they are so relatable!


  21. No4 got me thinking ahhhhhh this is so me. I rewatch shows more than I watch new ones and most of them I know line by line❤❤❤


  22. Absolutelyyyyy taking on this one


  23. I love re-watching stuff too. And I’m much more comfortable with my own restroom. This sounds like a fun challenge. I’m glad that you nominated me. Thanks a lot, Moksha.


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